Seniors-Why you should be thinking about buying a Vibration Machine


Committing 2-3 times a week for 10 minutes once a day, too much for you? Don't read this then, we can't help you. Otherwise please, read on!

You may have seen vibration machines on the TV, at your hotel, at the gym, at your health or shopping centre. They're machines you get on and they shake you around, make your voice tremble and the kids laugh! They're fun, something different...but maybe not exercise.
This is where you are wrong! Everybody is, they have a bad spiel.

Vibration trainers are tools for health and medical professionals all around the globe for a huge list of reasons.

Doctors even recommend the equipment for seniors or individuals suffering illness or disease to use at their own homesWhile A growing number of nursing homes and retirement villages also use the Vibro Trainer, along with allied health centres and gyms.
The overwhelming amount of research that currently exists on the subject is ridiculous. It has been around for almost 60 years and they keep finding potential applications, especially in the elderly.
The benefits of whole-body vibration in seniors is well documented and include improvement in arthritis, chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, Sarcopenia, fibromyalgia, and weight loss. A longer list of treatment and benefits are below. So keep reading.

How do you feel after?

We can't tell you, but Bob can.
Bob, 77 years old – NSW
“ In 2005 I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. The Neurologist said there is plenty of medication but no cure. My lifetime career has been spent as a Pianist, Organist, Arranger, and Teacher. Now I could not play because the disease had affected my hands. Later on, the medication would affect my memory. Naturally, I was devastated and did not play for the next 2.5 years. My book of arrangements – “The Magic of Gershwin” – may never be completed. I had lost my concentration and motivation.
In November 2008 we went to Pet Expo with our, and during the day my wife came across a Vibro Trainer. Diana suffers from arthritis in her spine and cannot exercise at all; she has difficulty maintaining her mobility. We were so impressed that we purchased the machine that day.
Now 6 months later, Diana has fantastic mobility and much less pain, but the real success is that I am playing the piano again. I have my confidence back, and the book is finished and ready to be published. I have also been able to cut down a little on the medication, and I can think clearer and remember more.
At least six of our friends have purchased the Vibro Trainer, and all are happy with the results, especially 92 years old Clifton, who now is convinced he will live to 100.
Thank you Amazing Super Health for bringing this machine into our lives. The changes to our lives are genuinely AMAZING.”
Plenty more stories like that below!
Aged care is about extending life with quality, maintaining strength, balance, agility while trying to use fewer medications. Generally, you will experience increased flexibility, blood circulation, less stress, and more energy. Whole body vibration training may be an alternative mode of exercise for those less inclined to participate in a gym class or have illness/disease prohibiting them from doing so.
Are you Excited? I sure am, keep reading, we haven't finished yet!



The oscillating plate of the Vibro Trainer sends mild vibration impulses through the feet and into the rest of the body. It is called the whole body vibration training (WBT).
By standing on the oscillating plate, the vibrations generate involuntary muscle contractions throughout the body. Engaging up to 100% of the muscles with a Medic Vibro Trainer compared to 40% in resistance training.
It is a very fast and safe way to exercise – 10 minutes is equal to 1-hour exercise in a gym. No effort, no shocks, no strain, no overextending of the joints and less prone to injury.
Our Medic Vibro Trainers were designed to be pain-free, pleasant and safe forms of exercise. Combating the multiple effects of aging, disease, and inactivity.
Sounds too good to be true? 
I know, let us show you how WBT got its bad wrap. 


Gustav Zander built never-before-seen apparatus in the 1850s.

The Smarkwedish inventor used a combination of springs, weights and pulley systems for therapeutic exercise. Pioneer of whole body vibration (WBV) used it as a tool for pain management and health. Shining light on his incredible machines at two world fairs and fitting his devices to ‘early-day’ health clubs across the world.


“A magic pill that cured any ailment you can imagine.”

Claimed Dr John Harvey Kellogg, inventor of corn flakes and the WBV machine in 1895. Asserting that his vibration machine cure constipation, headaches, and back-pain without medication.


Germans followed in the 1960s

Taking the science further and developed similar machines to what we use today. They had a more scientific name though, “rhythmic neuromuscular stimulation.”
The Soviet Union, Space Race & Olympics
The Soviets took the German studies and filled the scientific gaps with theories and real results. The man behind the scenes, Professor/Dr. Habil Vladimir T Nazarov. He called it Biomechanical Stimulation (BSM), check out some of his Credentials:
  • Master of Sport in the USSR in gymnastics
  • Chairman of the scientific council for biomechanics, Academy of Science of USSR
  • Dean, Chair of biomechanics, Minsc Acadamy
  • Summary: Most important biomechanic Professor of the Soviet Union. Referencing the Russian space program and the dominant force of the Soviet’s in the Olympics during the ’70s & ’80s, this man was at the forefront.
Observing astronauts lost bone density and muscular strength and size during space missions. Dr Nazarov adopted vibrational training; using it to strengthen Russian astronauts during space flightsAfter returning, he discovered that not only did WBV prevent the loss of bone-density; it actually increased bone density, while strengthening the muscle tissue and size, as well.
With these results, it was only natural to use WBV as a training aid for elite athletes.
The application of therapy increased their flexibility, strength, and prevention of injury. Some results:
  • Set an all-time record of 420 days in space! NASA returned in 120 days due to bone density and muscle loss.
  • The Soviets claimed 8 of the 9 Olympic games. Winning more than 900 medals over their fiercest competitor, USA. Did we mention they had over 35% fewer athletes?
  • More than doubled the medals of their main competitor (Japan) during Olympic Gymnastics.
No wonder his research was kept a secret for almost 20 years. NASA now fully embrace whole body vibration along with medical & Health professionals, elite athletes, celebrities, gyms, health centres, and more.


The machines entered the global market in the ’90s and 2000s. Marketed to health & medical professions and the rich & famous, they came with a hefty price tag. More than USD 10,000, over 25,000 AUD in today's market.
The globalisation and commercialisation of the machines brought greedy businessmen that only cared about the bottom line.
The equipment got smaller, the price completely dropped, the effectiveness was lost, they became less safe and didn't last longWith that, the vibration machine gained their bad reputation!


Cardiovascular Disease  Multiple Sclerosis Parkinson's
Stroke Osteoporosis Chronic Pain
Back Pain Diabetes Fibromyalgia
Sarcopenia Injury Prevention Immune System
Metabolic Syndrome Weight Loss Recovery
COPD Cancer Management Arthritis

Increase blood circulation

Rapid contractions of the muscles stimulate a dramatic increase in critical blood flow to joints and their connective tissues, to organs and throughout the bodyThis accelerates the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body, speeds up injuries recovery time, enhances peripheral lymphatic flow, increases venous drainage and carries off waste products faster.

Revitalisation – Anti-Aging

By improving blood circulation, digestion and flexibility while delaying the progress of various illnesses, and promoting secretion of serotonin, whole body vibration training encourage a sense of well being and a healthy lifestyle.


Improves strength, posture, and balance

After the age of 40, muscle loss occurs at a rate of 1% a year. Muscle loss weakens the joints. The use of the Vibro Trainer enhances the growth and the power of the lean muscles. By standing with a good posture on the oscillating plate, the contractions of the muscles will stabilise and align your posture. Stronger muscles maintain stronger joints, such as ankles, knees and hips. A good posture leads to good balance, a reduction in falls and enhances walking.

MS – Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis – Parkinson’s – Stroke

Patients are unable to do physical exercise because the nerves are no longer capable of controlling the muscles properly. Vibrations activate the muscles directly without relying on the nervous system. While vibration therapy does not cure or reverse these diseases, it aids muscle tone and strengthPatients feel better, have more energy, experience less pain and are less dependant on others.


Millions of people worldwide, especially women, are at risk of developing this disease which results from the decalcification of the bones due to hormonal imbalances or lack of activity. There is a 3% loss of mineral a year in women after menopause. The loss of bone density causes the bone to break easily. The lack of activity in the workplace or immobilisation increases bone loss. Professor Marc Hamilton at the Pennington Biomedical Research Centre has stated “sitting most of the day may be as dangerous to health as smoking.” Vibration Therapy increases bone density, usually reversing the effects of osteoporosis, by merely practising 10 minutes 2 or 3 times a week.


Ordinarily, most patients with emphysema find it nearly impossible to undertake any kind of physical exerciseWhole body vibration therapy enables patients to achieve most of the benefits of a regular work out and in some cases helps them to do cardio-fitness training such as walking or even running.

Arthritis and Rheumatism

After 65, 25% of the population is suffering from arthritis. The cartilage mass slowly diminishes, causing pain, swelling and stiffness of the joints and therefore causing a restriction of the movements, particularly in ankles, knees and hipsThis affects mobility, personal freedom and the pain in the joints is often handled by taking medications. The use of the Vibro Trainer slows down the deterioration of the joints. It is recognised that intermittent pressure stimulates optimal functioning of the cartilage. This causes the synovial fluid to be repeatedly pumped between the cartilages, like a sponge constantly squeezed under water. This intermittent pressure maintains and improves cartilage function.

Lower back pain

Vibration therapy can strengthen the weakened lower back muscles that cause back pain – it supports lumbosacral proprioception and enhances relief of chronic lower back pain and positive responses on human skeletal muscles including hip density.

Pelvic instability

This condition usually results from softening of the connective tissue during pregnancy. Vibration therapy quickly brings the hormonal system into balance, enabling connective tissue to recover its strength and firmness.


According to research conducted over the past decade, it has become clear that sitting affects fat and sugar break down processes in the body and that it increases the risk of heart disease and diabetesVibration therapy has shown to be the most efficient exercise in losing hidden fat that surrounds the organs, which is linked to Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Immune system

According to a Melbourne naturopath vibration therapy has a possible effect on the immune system. Blood analysis conducted prior Vibro training demonstrated a depleted neutrophil – white cell – count. Within an hour after 14 minutes Vibro training session, blood was tested again, and the analysis showed a normalisation of the neutrophil count.

Hormone levels

Vibration Therapy has shown to help to increase both testosterone and gh hormone levels. Which is known to promote regeneration and the strength of muscles and joints? While also increasing libido, brain function, and bone density. Vibration therapy has also helped increase serotonin the happiness and relaxation hormone. While decreasing the stress hormone, cortisol, which has negative effects on the brain and immune system.

Loss of weight

Vibration Therapy works several ways to rid the body of excess fat. Increases metabolism which burns calories more rapidly, improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage thereby removing toxins faster. Human gh hormone increases dramatically. Excess body fat melts away.

Injury rehabilitation

Without whole body vibration, training recovery time is significantly reduced.


Bernard Chan Nursing Home – Burwood, NSW
“ Depending upon the particular condition of each individual, vibration therapy may be given two to five times a week.
Results – reduced leg cramps 27%; walking steadily 40%, decreased tiredness 40%; reduced pain 53%; cut swelling 27%; reduced stiffness 40%; improved circulation and improved sleep 40%.
As a result of the program, in addition to the above benefits, the participants have become more lively, alert and conscious of their place in the schedule of the vibration therapy sessionsIf the treatment for a particular individual is Monday and Friday, that individual is aware of those daysThis has added an extra value to the program in that, where prior, no day was any different from another, now most of the participants are aware of each day of the week and of the day they have the vibration therapy.
Concerning blood circulation, there has been clear evidence of improvement – before the program started, participants tended to have cold hands and feet, they have now become warmWhere a participant may have had feet with purple colouring, this colouring has diminished and has been replaced with pink.”
Stirling Manor Nursing Home – Ontario, Canada
“ Our purpose in purchasing the Vibro Trainer was to provide another tool to promote a better quality of life for our residents, by means of increasing circulation without the added stress to other parts of their body such as their heart and/or joints. The Vibro Trainer is used every morning, 6 days a week. The group of residents using the machine has gone so large now we have volunteers to assist three mornings a week.
We have great success with residents suffering from Parkinson’s disease – you can literally see the machine increase mobility in their hands and arms after useArthritic patients have told us that the Vibro Trainer has eased, and removed the pain they feel on a daily basis from their hips, back as well as knees.
We had a man using nasal spray consistently for nasal congestion, he stated, “I do not need that spray for my nose now that I have been taking my turn with the machine.” Another man had high blood pressure, diabetes and poor circulation which resulted in open ulcers on his lower legs, after continued use of the Vibro Trainer, you can see where the legs have regained colour, the skin tissue has rebuilt, and the ulcers have grown close.
In retirement villages and nursing homes, the authority must be given by a practitioner in the first instance and then by a physiotherapist, who will write a weekly program, before the treatment is startedIt is recommended that the residents are supervised by a physiotherapist or an activity staff.”
Aldergate House – Leichhardt, NSWHigh Care Facility, 65 to 102-year-old residents
“ Residents and staff love to use the Vibro Trainer 4 to 5 minutes a day. Excellent result with blood circulation – in 6 months swelling and blood pressure has gone down.”
Peggy, Right at Home Healthcare
“ I tried the Vibro Trainer at a show. When I got back home, I noticed that my fibromyalgia pain had eased up. I called as soon as I could and ordered my machine. I am so glad I did! After a couple of weeks, I was able to get off of $130 worth of medication every month. I love this machine, and my husband is getting great relief for his back pain. I have over 100 employees that use the machine at the office, and they love it also!”
Dr Penny, Direct Connection Chiropractic
“ My patients love the Vibro Trainer so much, I had to buy a second one. We are using the machine with the HCG diet, and my patients are losing many inches. Older patients are improving balance, and are feeling more stable. Knee pain, hip pain and radiating leg pain have all improved. All have increased energy levels.”
Dr Tobin Lingafelter, Back and Neck Care Centre of Sunset Hills and ESPN Back Nine Chiropractor
“ What a great tool this has been for my office! I used the machine myself for just a couple of weeks before my last triathlon, and it is the very first time that I did not have to stop due to cramping and fatigued muscles.”
Testimonials from real people using our machine
Ian – Paynesville, VIC
“ Through a combination of things including, arteries blocking up, a triple-A – abdominal, aortic, aneurism – heart operations, stents, a shortage of blood to the lower parts of my body, causing cramps when doing exercise, difficulty walking, muscles getting weaker and putting on weight, I was introduced to the Vibro TrainerThis machine has worked wonders for my physical condition, improved my circulation, reduced my cramps and pain when walking, increased my strength generally and is slowly reducing my weight. All this in a matter of 2 to 3 months, and is continuing. When I informed my doctor of my improvement in health, he told me he was already aware of the benefits of these machines.”
Edna, 85 years old – QLD
“ Thank you for the Vibro Trainer, it has helped me tremendously. I have, and in the mornings I could not bend my fingers to close my hands. After using the Vibro Trainer, I can use my hands again and even do my gardening. I have cut down the pain by 70%.
I also had terrible sciatic pain and asbestosis – my husband, worked for James Hardie. After using the Vibro Trainer 10 minutes a day in the mornings, I have no sciatic pain, and my shoulder and neck muscles have also loosened, and I have got rid of the headaches.
It has helped my muscles tone and strength, so I can live alone at 85 and do my housework, and with my ankles and legs strengthened back up I can continue my volunteer work at the Hospital as a Charlies Angel.
I do ballroom dancing every week and find that with the added mobility and flexibility I can enjoy a social life which is so important at my age.
Thank you for all your help and a great machine.”
Bob, 77 years old – NSW
“ In 2005 I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. The Neurologist said there is plenty of medication but no cure. My lifetime career has been spent as a Pianist, Organist, Arranger and Teacher. Now I could not play because the disease had affected my hands. Later on, the medication would affect my memory. Naturally, I was devastated and did not play for the next 2.5 years. My book of arrangements – “The Magic of Gershwin” – may never be completed. I had lost my concentration and motivation.
In November 2008 we went to Pet Expo with our, and during the day my wife came across a Vibro Trainer. Diana suffers from arthritis in her spine and cannot exercise at all; she has difficulty maintaining her mobility. We were so impressed that we purchased the machine that day.
Now 6 months later, Diana has fantastic mobility and much less pain, but the real success is that I am playing the piano again. I have my confidence back, and the book is finished and ready to be published. I have also been able to cut down a little on the medication, and I can think clearer and remember more.
At least six of our friends have purchased the Vibro Trainer, and all are happy with the results, especially 92 years old Clifton, who now is convinced he will live to 100.
Thank you Amazing Super Health for bringing this machine into our lives. The changes to our lives are genuinely AMAZING.”
Bill, 72 years old – NSW
“ I am a 72-year-old man who was always reasonably fit. I purchased a Medic Vibro Trainer over two years ago and, after two months of practice, I was able to start playing squash again after a 15-year break. I used to go to the gym regularly, but now I just watch TV while on my Vibro Trainer, and I have never felt better.”



Blood Circulation Lymph Drainage Nutrient Delivery
Bone Density Mobility Flexibility
Glucose Metabolism Recovery time Energy Levels
Strength Metabolism Weight Loss
Endorphin Levels Collagen Production Balance
Coordination Asthma Bladder Control


Aging process
Muscle wasting
Arthritis pain
 Rehabilitation time


Our Vibro Trainer has been developed over a period of 15 years by scientists at the Australian Catholic University (ACU) in Melbourne. Sports Scientists and Health Practitioners have been consulted. Currently, it is the object of a variety of research projects. One is being undertaken by Dr Andrew Williams and is funded by the Clifford Craig Medical Research Trust and the University of Tasmania. The results of these studies will have important implications for the healthy aging of our population.

Other research projects currently undertaken by ACU are looking at the effect Vibration Therapy has on lung disease, Type 2 diabetes, and cerebral palsy.

  • Designed in Australia to suit Australian standards.
  • Original design – no copies – better quality control.
  • Endorsed by doctors, health practitioners, and physiotherapists. Also endorsed by Triple World Aerobics Champion, Sue Stanley.
  • A wider range of speed/Hz and Programs.
  • Bigger motor for a smoother workout and heavier weight capacity



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